I recently read this article (see above) in the Washington Post. According to the article, if you spend a total of two hours a day posting on Facebook or surfing the web, etc…that roughly adds up to 30 days worth of time. Hmmmm…what could I accomplish with an extra thirty days worth of time? I decided to compile a list of 20 things I could do with all that extra time on my hands and while my list is mildly anecdotal, it is all undeniably true.
1. Get started on my great American novel….or at least get past the title page.
2. Read a book that doesn’t have Arthur or Curious George on the cover.
3. Get rid of all the 3T clothing because my son is now six.
4. Finally get fitted for the right bra size (you know you’re all wearing the wrong one).
5. Finish washing the never-ending mountain sized laundry heap in my basement.
6. Put away all the laundry I just finished instead of leaving it on the floor of my bedroom.
7. Line up a cadre of babysitters so my husband and I can actually eat in a restaurant that doesn’t serve ice cream in dixie cups.
8. Buy and wrap birthday presents for next year so I don’t have to frantically run out 20 minutes before the party.
9. Do all my holiday shopping in advance. Avoid the rush.
10. Order bathing suits (I still haven’t done this and just went to the pool in workout gear).
11. Go to a personal trainer and become a bodybuilder in 30 days….okay that one’s a little unrealistic.
12. Vacuum all the Cheerio debris from my car (this could take a while).
13. Buy everything for my daughter’s first sleepaway camp experience (even if I had all the time for t his, I think I would still feel stymied by it.
14. Prepare healthy food for the week so I don’t stick my head in the ice cream container.
15. Clean up my office/organize my files/throw out cancelled checks from 1999.
16. Play crazy 8’s with my son eventhough it’s the most mind numbing card game on the planet.
17. Go to a coffee place, read the paper and salivate over someone’s iPad.
18. Organize all the loose wedding photos (yes, I ‘ve been married for 15 years…don’t judge me).
19. Clean out the garage because afterall a garage is supposed to hold cars.
20. Learn more about what a carbon footprint is so I can reduce it.
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