Ah….the year is finally winding down, yet, I am still running in circles. Camp forms need to be completed, sneakers need to be replaced, closets need expunging, duffle bags require fumigating. I’m a one woman show. I amass the camp clothes, label, wash all the pool towels on a regular basis and I wonder sometimes, do my kids actually know how much behind the scenes preparation it takes just so they can have fun? The answer is a resounding NO. I work alone with no one beside me. I’m not looking for sympathy or to be a martyr mommy, mind you. I know the work is par for the course. I do however, expect a modicum of help such as hanging up the chlorine- scented laundry to dry so it doesn’t produce material that requires a skull and cross bones warning. Usually the kids comply with that one; otherwise, I’m on my own. I live for summer. I relish the quiet, the heat, and the one dropoff and pickup I have to...