Admittedly, some days are harder than others. Frenetic schedules, family emergencies, carpooling, and to- do lists a mile long. When you need Monday-Thursday to catch up from your weekend, there’s definitely a problem. I also admit that I am prone to letting little things get to me, even though I try not to let that happen, but, alas, it does. I know I am not alone in this world when I say, “Calgon, take me away,” (yes, I am dating myself with that expressionl). Even if I could sit in a bubble bath, alone, on a different planet, without children screaming through the door for advice, homework help or snack, I would probably compile lists in my head regarding the groceries, meals, and upcoming camp preparation. Before you know it, the bubbles have fizzled out, and I realize, “Wow, I still need to lose those 7lbs!” Ugh. Nevertheless, this is what life is, a careful balance of carpools, rehearsal schedules, afterschool activities, variety...