I thought about writing this in my Facebook status box this morning… To all those I have wronged, I’m sorry. Then, I thought, how disingenuous and trite that sounded. As a kid, I used to nervously think about Yom Kippur and all its implications. Of course, the YK liturgy usually compounded my anxiety with frightening descriptions of angels trembling, the book of life, who shall live and who shall die . I wasn’t paralyzed with fear, mind you, but I took the forgiveness aspect of it rather seriously. I actually asked my family members and friends for forgiveness without the crutch of Facebook, Twitter, email, or Instagram. Ironically, the more technology we acquire to stay in touch, the less we are able to reach out personally and connect as humans, as we did back in the “stone ages” before all these technological marvels were a reality. Admittedly, I too have fallen into the ease of connecting via the computer. I appreciate t...