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Showing posts from 2013

Facebook Forgiveness…Yom Kippur in the Electronic Age

I thought about writing this in my Facebook status box this morning… To all those I have wronged, I’m sorry.   Then, I thought, how disingenuous and trite that sounded.    As a kid, I used to nervously think about Yom Kippur and all its implications. Of course, the YK liturgy usually compounded my anxiety with frightening descriptions of angels trembling, the book of life, who shall live and who shall die .   I wasn’t paralyzed with fear, mind you, but I took the forgiveness aspect of it rather seriously.   I actually asked my family members and friends for forgiveness without the crutch of Facebook, Twitter, email, or Instagram.   Ironically, the more technology we acquire to stay in touch, the less we are able to reach out personally and connect as humans, as we did back in the “stone ages” before all these technological marvels were a reality. Admittedly, I too have fallen into the ease of connecting via the computer.   I appreciate t...

My Big Fat Vegetarian, Carnivorous, Food Allergy/Cholesterol Free and Low Sodium Rosh Hashanah

The fact that Rosh Hashanah was so close to Labor day last week left me in a bit of a panic.  I'm not sure, but I think I heard my leather boots sniffling in the back of my closet, waiting to be called into high-holiday action. Yet, imagine their shock when I picked out something (gasp) sleeveless, not to mention that I went to high holiday services without... panty hose...(Please mom, don't judge me) still relying on my fading summer tan to complete my late summer/early fall ensemble.   Clearly, there was a majority of women who followed suit, though, I did spot one boot wearing maverick.  Sure, it was chilly at 6 a.m., but is that enough to justify wearing boots especially when she walked in the same time as me (albeit late at 10:30) and the thermomemter was registering at  least 80 degrees? No matter.   Holiday meals and guests at my house, are another thing that puts me in a tizzy. Due to food allergies, I make myself resp...

Diary of a Bake-o-Phobe-Manic Muffin Monday

Looking for a quick grab for breakfast? Perhaps a long road trip and snacks are a must! Look no further.  Here are the best muffins that are tasty, allergen free( dairy, egg, and nut) , and best of all they are packed with nutrition.  Not comfortable baking? Me too. These are sure to get you over your Bake-o-Phobia.  Try one and see for yourself! Blueberry and Banana Muffins Blueberry Breakfast Muffins 1 3/4 cups whole wheat pastry flour 1/4 unbleached all purpose flour 3/4 tsp. baking soda 2 TBSP wheat germ 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 cup sucanat (can reduce to 1/3 cup) 1 cup soy milk (can use Rice milk or Coconut milk) 1/4 canola oil (can also use coconut oil melted) 1 TBSP apple cider vinegar 1 cup berries (fresh or frozen, blueberry) Preheat oven to 350 degrees Line muffin pan with cupcake liners Sift the flour, baking soda, salt and wheat germ in a large mixing bowl. In a separate bowl, beat sugar, soy milk, oil and vinegar (can be done by hand...

Running in Circles…One 5K at a Time

Ah….the year is finally winding down, yet, I am still running in circles. Camp forms need to be completed, sneakers need to be replaced, closets need expunging, duffle bags require fumigating.    I’m a one woman show.   I   amass the camp clothes, label, wash all the pool towels on a regular basis and I wonder sometimes, do my kids actually know how much behind the scenes preparation it takes just so they can have fun? The answer is a resounding NO.   I work alone with no one beside me.   I’m not looking for sympathy or to be a martyr mommy, mind you.   I know the work is par for the course.   I do however, expect a modicum of help such as hanging up the chlorine- scented laundry to dry so it doesn’t produce material that requires a skull and cross bones warning.   Usually the kids comply with that one; otherwise, I’m on my own.   I live for summer.   I relish the quiet, the heat, and the one dropoff and pickup I have to...

The Keurig Conundrum and Other Coffee Anxieties

My twelve-year old is currently taking health class in middle school. I must tell you that the dinnertime conversations this week have been peppered with some fascinating tidbits. I nearly choked on my chicken the other day when I got questions pertaining to menopause.   Really? As if they don’t have enough to worry about in their young, hormonal, over programmed and pressured lives? This week they are currently learning about infectious diseases.   Now we are in fear of Diphtheria, Lockjaw, Tuberculosis, and Rubella.   Seriously, did the teacher forget to tell them about disease control and oh, I don’t know, IMMUNIZATIONS?   Today’s disease du jour is HIV/AIDS.   Hmmm, I’m thinking pasta would be an appropriate side dish to accompany a serving of sexually transmitted disease table talk. Last week, they studied addictions, which is what brought this jewel of a conversation to the forefront. “Mom, are you addicted to coffee?” “Yes,“said my husba...

My Own Happiness Project-Top Ten Things to Make Your Life a Happier One

Admittedly, some days are harder than others.   Frenetic schedules, family emergencies, carpooling, and to- do lists a mile long.   When you need Monday-Thursday to catch up from your weekend, there’s definitely a problem.   I also admit that I am prone to letting little things get to me, even though I try not to let that happen, but, alas, it does.   I know I am not alone in this world when I say, “Calgon, take me away,” (yes, I am dating myself with that expressionl).   Even if I could sit in a bubble bath, alone, on a different planet, without children screaming through the door for advice, homework help or snack, I would probably compile lists in my head regarding the groceries, meals, and upcoming camp preparation.   Before you know it, the bubbles have fizzled out, and I realize, “Wow, I still need to lose those 7lbs!” Ugh. Nevertheless, this is what life is, a careful balance of carpools, rehearsal schedules, afterschool activities, variety...

A Healthy “Little Debbie”-Recipe of the Week

Remember Little Debbie’s, with all that yummy cream centered between two chewy oatmeal cookies? Ah, yes, soooo delicious. I went through a Little Debbie phase back in grad school where I just couldn’t get enough of them.   At the time, I was weaning myself off Pop Tarts; my sugary, hydrogenated laden, cholesterol building, fat inducing toaster pastries. After I came out of Pop Tart rehab, however, I was pulled right back into another addiction.   I guess I wasn’t strong enough to resist the lure.   No, I didn’t take up smoking, or even alcohol.   Instead, I became heavily addicted to….Little Debbie Oatmeal Crème Pies.   On closer glance however, innocence is shattered because they are bad…really bad. Yes, such an innocent name for such a potent snack cake.   The very first ingredient is Corn Syrup.   Shame on you cute Little Debbie!   Three different hydrogenated oils follow this.   At this point, your cholesterol is rising by jus...

Spring Challenge 7lbs in 7 weeks: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (in reverse)

  It has been exactly one week and three days since I started my 7 lbs in 7 weeks campaign. I have a number of observations about my spring challenge and I bring them to you uncut, unedited, painfully honest, embarrassing, out there, but hopefully, motivational. The Ugly Never set your expectations too high.   For example, I am going to lose 30 lbs in a month.   Clearly, this is an impossible expectation with doom written all over it.   However, I put out a very reasonable expectation, 7 lbs in 7 weeks.   This would undoubtedly be a healthy method-1 lb per week. Yes? Of course the answer is yes, but in my brain, deep within it’s coffee soaked crevices, I had an alternate plan.   I figured since 1 lb a week seemed soooo simple, then, I would probably lose more than that, hailing me as the goddess of weight loss.   My alternate plan was very convincing in my brain, even though my realistic plan was the one I set forth on paper.    Now, ...

Telling Your Kids that the World Can Suck-Thoughts on Boston

I rarely have the television on when the kids are home, and for good reason.   At 5:30, I was blissfully living inside my temporary domestic bubble.   My husband wasn’t travelling and thus, able to take our son to karate, leaving me an hour of luxury to actually make dinner, as opposed to slapping something together.   As I stood in the kitchen, chopping onions, relishing the quiet as my daughter studied nearby, and looking out the window at the tree coming to life with its yellow pom- pom blossoms, I actually felt, peaceful.   I didn’t need to rush anywhere, no one was asking me for anything, and I was totally engaged in my task. I even think I was humming.   Very- rare- indeed. The telephone pierced my silence. I almost didn’t pick it up because my hands were a little wet from the onion. Of course, I was out of paper towels, even though I had just gone to supermarket on a $300 run, but forgot the one item that propelled me to go in the first place. ...
Spring Unveils a Diet Challenge-7 lbs in 7 weeks As many of you know, I was born and raised in Queens and consider myself a native New Yorker at heart.   When I moved to Maryland twenty-two years ago, (I still can’t believe it has been that long) there were a few things I had to get used too.    First off, I walked like the roadrunner on speed. I was like the person who races down the people mover at the airport while everyone is casually standing on the belt.   My speed was a testament to my NYC roots until my roommate told me to slow down .   Second, nobody…and I mean nobody, wore their purse strapped across their chest.   Harkening back to my subway days where you always had a purse around your chest and one hand resting by the zipper or opening.   Third, everything closed really early (especially in the burbs) and opened later than I was accustomed too.   What do you mean I can’t buy a gift for the teacher 10 minutes before I’m suppos...