You know how life just seems to get too overwhelming? You know how you’re supposed to take deep breaths, go for a walk, pamper yourself, or mutter encouraging mantras to get you through the drama? You know how after you try all of those things, and you’re still feeling affected, you figure that nothing beats an eating bender? You know how you go on a bender with all the self-loathing that goes along with it, but you know you’re going to come out of it the next day stronger and more determined not to do it again? You know how that never works and the bender lasts four more days than you expected, followed by a huge cookie baking, tasting and consuming swan song? Yep, I know, and don’t ask me why. I plead the fifth. Well, not really. My stomach has concurred that it takes a lot longer to get over benders these days. In fact, it gurgled in retaliation begging me to stop last weekend. My brain, however, devilishly coaxed me to continue my...