Below is a personal essay I wrote recently, but was never published. I chose to put it into today's blog because of an upcoming appointment where I always feel the way I described below. Let me know if you have ever felt the same... Strangers are truly the common denominator of our daily existence, and while we train our children to avoid them, as adults, our interactions amongst them are inevitable, if not routine. However, there are those moments when we are profoundly affected by those strangers whom we may never even speak too, but, whose lives appear to parallel our own. It began as a silent code of understanding amongst the pregnant women in the OB/GYN waiting room; we were strangers with a palpable connection. As our stomachs grew bigger from month to month, it was like some secret sisterhood where big bellies and overactive bladders were a rite of passage. Overall, I was in love with being pregnant, along with my muted...